Torn between the desire to slim down and you’re longing for a decadent delectable desserts that soothes and gives you
comfort? Now you can savour your cake and lose weight, too!
We all have mood foods that cheer us up and give an emotional hug. The trick is to feed your soul with a brush instead of a fork
by decorating with the delicious colours of BeautiTone paint. This palette-pleasing menu includes delectable comfort-food
colours such as Double Fudge Brownie and White Chocolate. Other warm fresh shades include Mac & Cheese, Mochaccino
and French Toast are just a few of the decadent hues offered. These rich, warm colours evoke fond memories, bathing your
room in an atmosphere of contentment and comfort. Just imagine – no carbs, no fat and no calories! Even better, you actually
burn calories (up to 400 an hour) while painting!