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Here’s How New Windows Can Enhance Your Home & Cut Energy Costs

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Upgrading your windows can reduce your energy bills as well as improve your home’s appearance. The latest energy-efficient windows deliver immediate benefits and a long-term return on investment if and when you decide to sell. The older your existing windows, the more likely it is that new ones will significantly enhance your indoor comfort and outdoor curb appeal.

Someone repairing an old window

Energy-Efficient Windows

Low-e glass is a recent game changer, setting a new standard for energy efficiency in window technology. Low-e (low emissivity) windows are glazed with a microscopic reflective coating which allows infrared heat and ultraviolet rays to bounce off the glass rather than enter your home. This improves the efficiency of air-conditioning during summer and furnace performance in winter. It also helps to protect furniture finishes, textiles and artwork that can be damaged by UV exposure. Low-e glass products are graded on their window U-Factor; a lower number (1.20) indicates better heat retention than a higher number (1.60). When shopping for low-e glass windows, also consider the two types of coatings.

Sunlight streams through a window into a bathroom

Eliminate Hot & Cold Spots

Maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the rooms of your home is a major benefit of high-efficiency windows. Insulated window frames, coated glass and proper installation can eliminate hot and cold spots caused by energy exchange through untreated glass and degraded materials. During periods of extreme weather your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard to keep your indoor climate comfortable. That can help to reduce your energy bill and extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling appliances.

Reduced Window Maintenance

New energy-efficient windows require less maintenance because of their superior insulation and treated glass surfaces. They resist condensation, fogging and water spots, prevent mould and stay cleaner on the outside thanks to the anti-UV coating. This added protection from the natural elements saves time and money formerly spent on window cleaning, furniture maintenance and window coverings. The latest composite, fibreglass, and vinyl window frames maintain their good looks and seldom, if ever, require painting or restoration. The superior seal also allows fewer pollutants into the home, a real boon to allergy sufferers and anyone with breathing issues.

A slider window

Increase Your Home’s Value

Along with kitchen and bathroom remodels, window replacement offers one of the highest returns on investment of any home improvement project. Putting your home on the market with old, inefficient windows creates a drag on your asking price and may cause buyers to walk away (or demand a big discount). You can reap the many benefits of new windows for years, and then proudly point to them as a featured selling point. Your return on new windows depends on their number, type, and quality but expect to recover up to 70% of your expenditure in pure property value.

Canada Greener Homes Initiative

The incentive to swap out that tired old picture window has never been greater. The federal government is offering to reduce your window replacement cost via grants and subsidies through a national retrofit program. Check the online documentation to determine how to measure for new windows, other guidelines, and eligibility.

*Note: Home Hardware carries many Energy Star products but they are not identified on Please contact your local store for more information.

Whether you’re prepping your home for sale and want to maximize your return, or aiming to cut heating and cooling costs, window replacement is a proven winner. Upgrading to the new generation of energy-efficient frames and glass can improve your daily quality of life and relieve pressure on your household expenses.

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