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Here's How to Keep Your Pet Safe at the Cottage

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Everyone loves heading to the cottage for summer fun and that includes your little buddy, the family pet. To make your time at the cottage run smoothly, you’ll want to consider these pet safety tips.

Getting Your Pet to the Cottage Safely

The first step to a great cottage getaway with your pet is getting them there safely. You’ll need a few pet essentials to tackle this job. Let’s focus on items that will make managing your pet in the car easier and some pet safety tips to get to the cottage safely.

A dog in a crate
A dog drinks from a collapsable water container
A dog in a car with a cargo liner

Pet Car Safety Tips 

A dog swimming in the lake

Keep Your Pet from Wandering Away

Pets love to wander and check out their environments. The cottage will be exciting for them but also presents new challenges. There is new wildlife that could hurt your pet and they could also get lost. The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep your pet close. Let’s look at some great pet safety options.

Making Sure Your Pet Stays Cool and Hydrated

Keeping your pet safe at the cottage during the summer months means making sure your pet stays cool. Here are some products to help keep your pet comfortable.

A puppy with an empty bowl

Who Let the Dogs Out? Not You

If you’re trying to get a few minutes to yourself after bringing your pet to the cottage, then a pet door might be the answer. Pet doors are often easily installed in your current cottage or patio door and allow your pet to get in and out on their own. Pet doors range from electronic or simple flap doors that you keep closed with an insert. 

Keep the Fleas and Ticks Away

Taking your pet to the cottage means being outside more and for longer amounts of time making picking up a tick or fleas that much easier. Be prepared and prevent this from happening by getting the right pet safety gear.

Flea and Tick Collars and Drop Treatments

There are some great options for keeping your pet free of ticks and fleas. Flea and tick collars and sprays are good at preventing your dog from getting fleas and avoiding ticks, which is key to summer pet safety. There are also convenient drop treatments available that you apply to the scruff of their necks. If you hike with your dog or they play in high grass scan them for ticks after outdoor play and have a tick remover on hand, if needed. 

Taking your pet to the cottage is one of the best parts of summer. Being prepared and having the right pet safety gear on hand will make your time at the cottage more enjoyable. Making pet cottage safety a priority means your vacation will be relaxing for the whole family. Let’s get your pet ready for the best summer yet.

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