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Accessibility Customer Service Standard Policy

1.0. Our Commitment

1.1. Home Hardware Stores Limited is committed to providing its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all people.

1.2. Home Hardware Stores Limited is committed to giving persons with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.

2.0. Providing Goods and Services to Persons with Disabilities

2.1. Home Hardware is committed to excellence in serving all customers including persons with disabilities with consideration to the following areas:

2.1.1. Communication

i. We will communicate with persons with disabilities in ways that take in to account their disability. ii. We will train our employees who communicate with customers on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.

2.1.2. Assistive Devices

i. We are committed to serving people with disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from our goods and services. ii. We will ensure that our employees are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods or services. iii. We will also ensure that employees receive training in how to use available assistive devices on our premises.

2.1.3. Use of Service Animals and Support Persons

i. Service Animals

a) We are committed to welcoming persons with a disability who are accompanied by a service animal on the parts of our premises that are open to the public and other third parties. b) We will also ensure that all employees and others dealing with the public are properly trained in how to interact with persons with a disability who are accompanied by a service animal. c) It is the responsibility of the person with a service animal to maintain care and control of the animal at all times.

ii. Support Person

a) We are committed to welcoming persons with a disability who are accompanied by a support person. b) Any person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to enter Home Hardware’s premises with their support person. c) At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to their support person while on our premises. d) Home Hardware may deem it necessary to require a support person for a person with a disability in order to protect the health and safety of that person or of others on the premises. e) In situations where confidential information related to a person with a disability may be discussed, consent will be obtained from the person with a disability prior to any discussion occurring in the presence of a support person.

3.0. Notice of Temporary Disruption

3.1. Home Hardware will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities.

3.2. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if readily available or known.

3.3. In the case of an emergency temporary disruption, providing advance notice may not be possible.

3.4. The Notice of Disruption will be placed at the main public entrance on our premises.

4.0. Training

4.1. Home Hardware will ensure that all persons to whom this Policy applies, receives training as required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service

4.2. In addition, training will be provided to new hires as part of orientation training for new employees.

4.3. The amount and format of training will depend on the person’s interaction with customers.

4.4. Training will include:

a) The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the Customer Service standard. b) How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities. c) How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person. d) How to use any equipment or devices available in the workplace to assist with providing goods or services to persons with disabilities. e) What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing Home Hardware’s goods or services. f) Home Hardware’s policies, practices and procedures relating to the customer service standard.

4.5. Employees will be trained on policies, practices and procedures that affect the way goods and services are provided to persons with disabilities.

4.6. Employees will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are made to these policies, practices, and procedures.

4.7. Home Hardware will maintain records of all employee training related to accessibility standards.

5.0 Feedback Process

5.1. Home Hardware welcomes feedback, including feedback about the delivery of products and services to persons with disabilities.

5.2. Feedback regarding the way Home Hardware provides goods or services to persons with disabilities can be made in person, by telephone, in writing, by email or other reasonable method to the Accessibility Office.

5.3. Customers who provide feedback can expect a response within 30 days.

5.4. Home Hardware will continue to ensure that its process for receiving and responding to feedback is accessible to persons with disabilities by providing, or arranging for the provision of, accessible formats and communications supports, upon request.

6.0. Modifications to this or Other Policies

6.1. Home Hardware is committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this Policy before considering the impact on persons with disabilities.

6.2. Any policy of Home Hardware that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities will be modified or removed.

7.0 Notice of Availability of Documents

7.1. Home Hardware will provide notice to customers of the availability of documents related to this policy, including alternate document formats, as is reasonable.

8.0 Questions about this Policy

8.1 The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework through which Home Hardware can achieve service excellence for persons with disabilities. Anyone with questions about this

Policy should contact:

Accessibility Office Home Hardware Stores Limited 34 Henry St. W St. Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0

Phone: 519-664-2252





January 31, 2024

Formatting updates throughout

All instances of “staff” updated to “employee”

January 31, 2024

Inspiration is always handy

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