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Oshawa East Home Hardware

  • 600 Grandview Street South
  • Oshawa, Ontario, L1H8P4
Voir la circulaire du magasin
(905) 433-4663
Adresse électronique:
Envoyer un courriel à ce magasin
Type de magasin: Quincaillerie Home Hardware

Services à ce magasin

  • Service d'installation Home Installs
  • Entretien commercial

Message du propriétaire

Thank you for visiting Oshawa East Home Hardware. Oshawa has a long history with Home Hardware and we are proud to continue the heritage of Home Hardware in Oshawa. Our store is so much more than just a hardware store. Our customers love our Home Expressions department when they are looking for a hostess gift or for a birthday celebration. Our new kitchen design centre can help bring your dream kitchen into reality. Our kitchen designer, Margaret, has 25 years experience and is very passionate. Whether it's a complete re-model or just a new countertop, stop in and let us draw up a new kitchen design.

If you are stopping in for the first time be sure to ask for Josh, our store manager or Bruce, the Dealer / Owner and introduce yourself.

Bruce Watson

L’inspiration pratique à toujours avoir sous la main

© Home Hardware Stores Limited, 2018. Tous droits réservés